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Akoni Technologies was founded with a vision to provide bespoke and innovative technology solutions to businesses. Through innovation and our expert‘s forward thinking, we stay ahead of the competition in a time of digital transformation and technological evolution.
We are passionate about using technology to solve problems – whether that’s digital workflow solutions or helping you to build a team of experts to progress your business. You can count on our tailored solutions, designed just for you, to fit your requirements, as your success is our goal.
In our latest episode of Akoni Tech Taks: The Dubai Mini Series, we were privileged to sit down with Candice Elsmore, a dynamic leader whose career path has taken her across continents and industries. Candice shared her experiences transitioning from investment banking to her current role as COO, her insights into leadership, and her thoughts […]
In the first episode of Akoni Tech Talks, The Dubai Mini Series podcast, we sit down with Craig Alexander, an industry veteran whose career in the technology and leadership space is nothing short of inspiring. Craig takes the audience through the early stages of his career, shares his insights on leadership and transformation, and offers […]
Since launching the Akoni Tech Talks podcast, we’ve had the privilege of hosting a diverse lineup of guests, each with unique insights and experiences in the tech industry. From cyber security to AI-powered marketing, our discussions have covered a broad spectrum of topics. Here’s a recap of the guests we’ve featured and the compelling stories […]