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Diversity and representation in STEM, and the importance of increasing AI awareness: Akoni Tech Talks with Aarti Samani

In the fifth episode of Akoni Tech Talks, we sat down with Aarti Samani, an international speaker, BBC commentator and CEO of AI strategy consulting business, Shreem Growth Partners. In this episode, we discussed Aarti’s fascinating career journey, the lack of diversity and representation within the IT and Tech industry, and the need for greater […]

Tech, Nutrition, and Nostalgia: Akoni Tech Talks with Steven Kerr

In Episode 04 of Akoni Tech Talks, we sat down with Steven Kerr, the Head of IT at ZOE, to explore his fascinating journey through tech, gaming, and the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. Steven’s interest in technology began at an early age, playing games on his dad’s Amiga 500. However, his professional path into […]

Akoni Tech Talks TikTok Takeover: Ronan Tech’s journey as a Cybersecurity content creator 

For the third episode of Akoni Tech Talk’s, we sat down with cybersecurity content creator and international student, Ronan Takizawa. Known online as RonanTech, he posts software development and cyber security related content online, while also studying a Computer Science degree at Colorado College. Ronan shares that it was his studies that first kick-started his […]

Harnessing AI for Marketing Success: Akoni Tech Talks with Menekşe Stewart

In our second instalment of Akoni Tech Talks, we sat down with Menekse Stewart, an experienced SEO enthusiast and founder of the AI-powered business tool, Marketing Magic. In this episode, we learn about Menekse’s unconventional journey into the tech world, starting at just 15, and how she built a successful career in digital marketing without […]

Exploring Tech Journeys and AI Insights: Akoni Tech Talks with Daniel Jacobs

In the inaugural episode of Akoni Tech Talks, we spoke with Daniel Jacobs, an experienced CIO and IT leader with over 20 years in the field. Daniel shared his journey from a young gamer playing Doom and Wolfenstein to becoming a technology leader. His passion for IT led him to pursue certifications and start his […]

UKAS ISO certification awarded to Akoni Technologies

Akoni Technologies has been awarded ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certification by UKAS. This is a significant milestone for the company, as UKAS-accredited ISO certificates are highly regarded when validating business authenticity. UKAS is the only national accreditation body recognised by the British government, and so this certification represents the highest level of quality management […]

Navigating the Cloud: AWS vs. Azure – Which Is Right for Your Business 

  In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, choosing the right platform for your business is a pivotal decision. With two industry giants like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure dominating the cloud market, it’s crucial to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and which one aligns best with your business objectives. Let’s embark on a […]

SAML SSO Authentication in ServiceNow using Okta

  What is SAML SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an XML-based standard for web browser single sign-on (SSO) that eliminates application-specific passwords. SAML uses single-use, expiring, digital ‘tokens’ to exchange authentication and authorization data between an identity provider and cloud application service provider that have an established trust relationship.  Single sign on (SSO) Authentication […]

Enhance Your Troubleshooting Experience Using ServiceNow Lightstep

For businesses in the twenty-first century, digital transformation is essential. Organizations are increasingly focusing their efforts on technology that offer quick results and more durable digital business models. Incidents like software problems, power outages, or broken networks have serious repercussions in this environment that damage revenue and client loyalty. That’s why the ServiceNow team is excited to […]

Unlocking Efficiency and Streamlining Workflows with ServiceNow

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency and streamline workflows. This is where ServiceNow, a powerful cloud-based platform, comes in. ServiceNow can help organizations of all sizes automate and optimize their business processes, leading to increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved customer and employee satisfaction. One of the […]