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ServiceNow Implementation
Your Path to Digital Transformation

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Sky is the Limit

Integration Solutions
Building bridges for a better future

Enterprise Development
We Build more than Softwares

Artificial Intelligence
Unleashing the Potential



ServiceNow Implementation
Your Path to Digital Transformation

Cloud Solutions
Sky is the Limit

Integration Solutions
Building bridges for a better future

Enterprise Development
We Build more than Softwares

Artificial Intelligence
Unleashing the Potential

Who We Are

Akoni Technologies was founded with a vision to provide bespoke and innovative technology solutions to businesses. Through innovation and our expert‘s forward thinking, we stay ahead of the competition in a time of digital transformation and technological evolution.  

Why Choose Akoni Technologies

We are passionate about using technology to solve problems – whether that’s digital workflow solutions or helping you to build a team of experts to progress your business. You can count on our tailored solutions, designed just for you, to fit your requirements, as your success is our goal.  


Make technology an asset for your business

  • Our Values: Our team at Akoni technologies is led and inspired by our four core values – Care, Transparency, Innovation and Accountability. These values are the bedrock of our foundation and helps keep us aligned with our vision and principles.
  • Our Mission: Our mission at Akoni Technologies is to unlock the full potential of our customers' businesses and bring them the best user experience possible through innovative digital workflows and solutions. We’re dedicated to enhancing your everyday processes by pushing boundaries and embracing cutting-edge technology.

    We understand that in today's fast-paced digital world, your business needs a reliable and innovative IT partner to stay ahead of the curve. Here’s why we are the right choice for you:
Mahesh Kumar CEO & Founder
Ishani Gaur Co-Founder &
Commercial Lawyer

Client-Centric Approach

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. Your success is our success, and we are committed to providing personalised support and proactive maintenance to keep your systems running smoothly. We place your needs, satisfaction, and feedback at the forefront, guaranteeing an exceptional, personalised experience with us.

Trusted, Tailored Solutions 

We recognise that no two businesses are the same, which is why our customised IT solutions are designed to meet your specific needs, providing you with the flexibility and scalability to grow and adapt as your business evolves. Our team is made up of experienced IT professionals who have delivered cutting-edge solutions year-after-year; we know this is a must in today’s digital and technological climate.

Comprehensive and Innovative Service

From network security and cloud services to IT consulting and managed services, we offer a full spectrum of IT solutions designed to streamline your operations, enhance productivity, and secure your data. Technology is ever-evolving, and so are we. Our commitment to continuous learning and innovation ensures that we bring the latest advancements to your doorstep, giving you a competitive edge in your industry.

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Our Accreditations and Affiliations

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UKAS ISO certification awarded to Akoni Technologies

Akoni Technologies has been awarded ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certification by UKAS. This is a significant milestone for the company, as UKAS-accredited ISO certificates are highly regarded when validating business authenticity. UKAS is the only national accreditation body recognised by the British government, and so this certification represents the highest level of quality management […]

Navigating the Cloud: AWS vs. Azure – Which Is Right for Your Business 

  In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, choosing the right platform for your business is a pivotal decision. With two industry giants like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure dominating the cloud market, it’s crucial to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and which one aligns best with your business objectives. Let’s embark on a […]

SAML SSO Authentication in ServiceNow using Okta

  What is SAML SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an XML-based standard for web browser single sign-on (SSO) that eliminates application-specific passwords. SAML uses single-use, expiring, digital ‘tokens’ to exchange authentication and authorization data between an identity provider and cloud application service provider that have an established trust relationship.  Single sign on (SSO) Authentication […]

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