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Diversity and representation in STEM, and the importance of increasing AI awareness: Akoni Tech Talks with Aarti Samani

In the fifth episode of Akoni Tech Talks, we sat down with Aarti Samani, an international speaker, BBC commentator and CEO of AI strategy consulting business, Shreem Growth Partners. In this episode, we discussed Aarti’s fascinating career journey, the lack of diversity and representation within the IT and Tech industry, and the need for greater AI awareness. 

With over 20 years of experience, Aarti holds a wealth of tech and IT knowledge, from working with automated algorithmic trading, national language processing, simulated reality, to computer vision and artificial intelligence throughout her career. Her passion for tech began at a young age, playing games on an Atari computer. In her early 20s, she joined British Airways on their technology track graduate program as an engineer. This role kickstarted her passion for commercial technology, which led her to transition to commercial tech for investment banking, working with large banks across the world and leading the first team to bring automated algorithmic trading to London. Operating from a very strong and innate desire to make an impact, always remain relevant and move with the times, she highlights the necessity to consistently evolve with emerging technology. 

An alumnus of Durham University, Aarti acknowledges that degree education isn’t the only route into the tech space as there are many different avenues available, such as an internship or apprenticeship, and there are also a growing number of resources accessible to self-study, train yourself and explore the path that’s right for you.  

Reflecting on her experience as a female in STEM, Aarti discusses the pertinent issues surrounding diversity and representations within the industry, emphasising the importance of encouraging more women to take on senior roles, cultivate confidence with authenticity and put yourself out there to make change. 

In this episode, Aarti also raises awareness of the emerging issues with AI in society. From AI generated risk involving the production of synthetic media, deepfake faces, deepfake videos, voice cloning to AI enabled risk, in which perpetrators, fraudsters and scammers are using artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence to create messaging, content, tactics for social engineering.  

However, throughout this conversation, we also learn the benefits of emerging AI, including the immense possibilities to leverage AI, leverage technology, help elevate your career, learn new skills, and produce interesting work. 

Tune in to Akoni Tech Talks for the full conversation and more insights from industry leaders – available on Spotify Podcasts,Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

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