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Microsoft Azure

Revolutionizing E-Commerce with Azure Cloud and DevOps


In collaboration with “eShopX,” a thriving e-commerce company, we undertook the challenge of optimizing their online retail platform. The objective was to ensure high availability, enhance load times, and implement robust DevOps practices to streamline operations. 

Solution Approach

We turned to Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform, harnessing Azure App Service and Azure DevOps services. The solution approach encompassed: 
  • Azure Migration: We orchestrated the migration of eShopX’s e-commerce platform to Azure, leveraging its renowned scalability to accommodate growing demands. 
  • DevOps Integration: A potent DevOps pipeline, powered by Azure DevOps, was established to automate code deployments and refine the release process, optimizing development workflows. 
  • Load Balancing: To guarantee high availability and significantly improve load times, we implemented Azure Load Balancer, enhancing the overall customer experience. 


  • The implementation of Azure Cloud and DevOps resulted in remarkable benefits: 
    • High Availability: eShopX achieved an impressive level of high availability for their online store, considerably reducing downtime. 
    • Faster Load Times: Load balancing measures led to considerably faster website load times, significantly enhancing customer experiences and boosting retention. 
    • Streamlined Development: The integration of DevOps practices streamlined development and deployment processes, enabling rapid releases and updates. 

Working with eShopX, Akoni Technologies optimized their e-commerce platform by leveraging Azure cloud and DevOps practices. The transition to Azure cloud provided high availability and faster load times, enhancing the customer experience. Implementing Azure DevOps streamlined development and deployment processes, reducing downtime and enabling rapid updates. The transformation significantly improved eShopX’s online retail capabilities.