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Revamping Legacy Application for European Insurance


EuroGuard Insurance faced challenges with their outdated legacy application, including performance issues and scalability limitations. They needed a modern, scalable solution to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences.

Solution Approach

  1. Conducted workshops and consultations to identify specific requirements and pain points. 
  2. Designed a system architecture using Java technologies, including Java EE, Spring Boot, and Hibernate. 
  3. Rebuilt the insurance application with a focus on backend services, policy management, claims processing, and customer data management. 
  4. Migrated legacy data to a more efficient database system. 
  5. Seamlessly integrated the new system with EuroGuard Insurance’s existing IT ecosystem. 
  6. Conducted rigorous testing phases to ensure compliance with industry regulations. 
  7. Deployed the Java-based insurance application and provided staff training. 


  1. Improved application performance, resulting in quicker policy issuance and claims processing. 
  2. Enhanced scalability to accommodate growing policyholder volumes. 
  3. Reduced claims processing times, leading to faster settlements and improved customer satisfaction. 
  4. Implemented robust security measures to protect sensitive customer data. 
  5. Lowered operational costs through streamlined processes and increased automation. 
  6. Increased customer satisfaction with faster responses to inquiries, claims, and policy changes. 
  7. Gained a competitive edge in the market with a modern, user-friendly insurance experience. 

EuroGuard Insurance grappled with a legacy application plagued by performance issues and scalability limitations. Akoni Technologies stepped in, conducting workshops to identify specific requirements, redesigning the system using Java technologies, and migrating data to a more efficient database. The result was improved application performance, enhanced scalability, faster claims processing, robust security, reduced operational costs, and a competitive edge in the insurance market.