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Food Delivery


IOS & Android

Phyton, Django

Disrupting Food Delivery with a Comprehensive Platform


QuickBite aimed to disrupt the food delivery industry in India by creating a robust, scalable platform that served multiple user roles efficiently. They needed a technology partner to design, develop, and deploy their entire ecosystem, including web and mobile applications, GST compliance, and secure payment integrations. 

Solution Approach

  1. Conducted workshops and interviews to gather insights into specific requirements and business goals. 
  2. Designed a system architecture using Python-based technologies, including Django and Flask. 
  3. Developed native mobile apps for Android and iOS using Python frameworks. 
  4. Built a responsive web application using Python, Django, and Django REST framework. 
  5. Integrated a GST compliance module and secure payment gateways. 
  6. Conducted user training sessions to familiarize partners, drivers, and administrators. 


  1. Gained a comprehensive food delivery platform catering to partners, drivers, and customers. 
  2. Simplified GST compliance with automatic tax calculations and reporting. 
  3. Facilitated secure transactions and payouts with integrated payment gateways. 
  4. Increased customer engagement and satisfaction with user-friendly mobile and web applications. 
  5. Accommodated growing user base through scalable Python-based architecture. 
  6. Experienced rapid business growth and became a preferred food delivery platform in India. 
  7. Improved operational efficiency for partner restaurants and higher customer satisfaction. 

QuickBite, an Indian food delivery startup, sought to revolutionize the industry with an all-encompassing platform. Akoni Technologies partnered with QuickBite, conducting workshops and interviews to understand their vision and needs. They developed a Python-based system, creating user-friendly mobile and web applications and integrating crucial elements like GST compliance and secure payment gateways. This transformation enabled QuickBite to provide a comprehensive food delivery platform, simplify GST compliance, facilitate secure transactions, engage customers effectively, accommodate rapid growth, and enhance operational efficiency for partner restaurants.