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TIBCO BusinessWorks



Streamlining Gas eCommerce Operations with TIBCO Integration


A Leading UK Gas supplier operating both B2B and B2C eCommerce platforms and utilising an SAP S/4HANA ERP system to manage their complex supply chain, inventory, and financial processes. Our client sought to streamline their eCommerce operations and ensure seamless data flow between their eCommerce platforms and ERP system. 

Solution Approach

The Customer has been operating on two eCommerce platforms – one for B2B customers (wholesale) and another for B2C customers (retail). 


Integration with B2B eCommerce:  


  1. TIBCO BusinessWorks is configured to integrate with the B2B Magento platform, which is built on a custom solution. 
  2. When a wholesale customer initiates an order on the B2B platform, TIBCO BusinessWorks promptly transmits the order specifics to the SAP S/4HANA ERP system. 
  3. The ERP system then undertakes a series of tasks. It processes the order, verifies product availability, computes pricing, and generates invoices. 
  4. Simultaneously, real-time updates are made to inventory levels, ensuring that the stock availability displayed on the B2B platform remains accurate. 



Integration with B2C eCommerce: 


  1. TIBCO BusinessWorks synchronizes product information, including gas specifications, pricing, and availability, between Magento and SAP S/4HANA ERP. 
  2. Customer orders initiated on the B2C platform are seamlessly transferred to the ERP system for fulfilment. 
  3. In turn, the ERP system relays essential information back to the B2C platform, including invoices, updates on order status, and details regarding shipment tracking 


Inventory Management and Supply Chain Integration: 


  1. TIBCO BusinessWorks is additionally integrated with supply chain systems, enabling real-time monitoring of gas levels, transportation logistics, and communication with suppliers. 
  2.  When gas inventory reaches a low point, automatic purchase orders are generated and sent to suppliers through the ERP system. 



    • Efficient Order Processing: Both B2B and B2C orders are processed more efficiently, resulting in reduced fulfillment times and a decrease in errors. 
    • Precise Inventory Management: Real-time synchronization of inventory levels helps in preventing both overstocking and stockouts. 
    • Enhanced Customer Transparency: B2C customers can access real-time updates on their orders and track their shipments. 
    • Optimized Supply Chain Management: Integration with the supply chain systems enables proactive restocking of gas supplies. 
    • Data Integrity: This integration eliminated errors arising from manual data entry, ensuring that all systems maintain consistent and up-to-date information 
    • Scalability: The solution is designed to easily accommodate future growth and expansion within the gas industry 

We utilized TIBCO middleware to seamlessly integrate their B2B and B2C eCommerce platforms with their SAP S/4HANA ERP system. This integration has resulted in enhanced operational efficiency, improved customer experience, and more effective supply chain management within the gas industry.