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Exploring Tech Journeys and AI Insights: Akoni Tech Talks with Daniel Jacobs

In the inaugural episode of Akoni Tech Talks, we spoke with Daniel Jacobs, an experienced CIO and IT leader with over 20 years in the field. Daniel shared his journey from a young gamer playing Doom and Wolfenstein to becoming a technology leader. His passion for IT led him to pursue certifications and start his career on a help desk, eventually moving up to a senior infrastructure analyst role over eight years.

Daniel highlighted the importance of mentorship and the diverse experiences he gained from working on a service desk, which allowed him to explore various IT domains and ascend to managerial positions. His transition to Head of IT in retail emphasised problem-solving and trust-building, comparing it to managing a restaurant to ensure customer satisfaction.

As CIO at Jardine Motor Group, Daniel navigated the complexities of automotive retail regulations and compliance, expressing great satisfaction with his team and work environment. He also discussed his role as a non-executive director at Age UK, ensuring effective use of funds to support the elderly.

On trending tech topics, Daniel emphasised that while AI enhances efficiency, true creativity remains a human trait. He advocated for transparency in AI use, especially on social media, to maintain trust and authenticity.

We wrapped up the podcast with a quick tech talk round, revealing Daniel’s preferences on gadgets and software.

Tune in to Akoni Tech Talks for the full conversation and more insights from industry leaders – available on Spotify Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

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