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Francesca Perryman

Harnessing AI for Marketing Success: Akoni Tech Talks with Menekşe Stewart

In our second instalment of Akoni Tech Talks, we sat down with Menekse Stewart, an experienced SEO enthusiast and founder of the AI-powered business tool, Marketing Magic. In this episode, we learn about Menekse’s unconventional journey into the tech world, starting at just 15, and how she built a successful career in digital marketing without […]

Exploring Tech Journeys and AI Insights: Akoni Tech Talks with Daniel Jacobs

In the inaugural episode of Akoni Tech Talks, we spoke with Daniel Jacobs, an experienced CIO and IT leader with over 20 years in the field. Daniel shared his journey from a young gamer playing Doom and Wolfenstein to becoming a technology leader. His passion for IT led him to pursue certifications and start his […]

ISO Certification Badges

UKAS ISO certification awarded to Akoni Technologies

Akoni Technologies has been awarded ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certification by UKAS. This is a significant milestone for the company, as UKAS-accredited ISO certificates are highly regarded when validating business authenticity. UKAS is the only national accreditation body recognised by the British government, and so this certification represents the highest level of quality management […]

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