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Digital Transformation

SAML SSO Authentication in ServiceNow using Okta

  What is SAML SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an XML-based standard for web browser single sign-on (SSO) that eliminates application-specific passwords. SAML uses single-use, expiring, digital ‘tokens’ to exchange authentication and authorization data between an identity provider and cloud application service provider that have an established trust relationship.  Single sign on (SSO) Authentication […]

Enhance Your Troubleshooting Experience Using ServiceNow Lightstep

For businesses in the twenty-first century, digital transformation is essential. Organizations are increasingly focusing their efforts on technology that offer quick results and more durable digital business models. Incidents like software problems, power outages, or broken networks have serious repercussions in this environment that damage revenue and client loyalty. That’s why the ServiceNow team is excited to […]

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